Personal Development Mentor, Parenting Coach, Career Counselor, Ethical Guide

Why Do We Do What We Do…?

I normally do not comment on political events out of habit being in Uniform for more than half of my life till now. But I feel like

Nuclear Family Effect on Child Development

An Old Wine in the New Bottle Aug 17, 2023 An Old Wine in the New Bottle What we are at present — at any stage of life and at any age at the present juncture— can not be changed. Time past is gone for good, whatever you experienced all through the bygone years is […]

An Old Wine in the New Bottle

An Old Wine in the New Bottle Aug 17, 2023 An Old Wine in the New Bottle What we are at present — at any stage of life and at any age at the present juncture— can not be changed. Time past is gone for good, whatever you experienced all through the bygone years is […]

Dawn of Real Independence

Dawn of Real Independence Aug 15, 2023 Dawn of Real Independence As I write this piece it is already 15 Aug 2023 and another Independence Day has arrived. The question bothering me and keeping me awake at this hour is – Are we all actually free? To me it seems as if we are completely […]

Building empowering relationships and strong bonds for lifetime

Building empowering relationships and strong bonds for lifetime Aug 9, 2023 Building empowering relationships and strong bonds for lifetime WHY DO WE have rupture in otherwise long surviving relationships? This aspect is extremely important to understand for a proper comprehension of its causes and the consequences and to get to a state of peacefulness about […]

Are you an Asset to the Team?

Are you an Asset to the Team? Dec 18, 2019 Are you an Asset to the Team? Let’s see the very first aspect of a good worker that is his own personality. When you want a sincere and dedicated worker you look for certain qualities in him that make him stand out as the best […]

Leadership Traits

Leadership Traits Nov 30, 2019 Leadership Traits This is much Spoken and written about subject. The 14 leadership traits are well known and well accepted. Here I will attempt to give these oft repeated words my own interpretation which will help you understand the contours of the desired conduct of a good leader. The art […]

How To Balance Your Relationship And Your Career

How To Balance Your Relationship And Your Career June 5, 2022 How To Balance Your Relationship And Your Career Balancing a relationship and a career can be challenging, but with some mindful strategies, it is possible to maintain a healthy equilibrium. Here are some tips to help you balance your relationship and your career: 1. […]

Harms Of Helicopter Parenting

Harms Of Helicopter Parenting June 10 Harms Of Helicopter Parenting “Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.”— C.S. Lewis Helicopter parenting, characterized by excessive over protection and micromanagement of children, can have several harmful effects on both the children and their development. Here are some of the […]