Personal Development Mentor, Parenting Coach, Career Counselor, Ethical Guide

Maj Gen Balraj Mehta - Your Go-To Parenting Coach and Mentor

Maj Gen Balraj Mehta believes there are no problems – only opportunities!
He is a veteran of the Indian Army with 35 years of dealing with men – ranging from young recruits to grizzly old soldiers. He has extensive knowledge of human nature and has been conditioned by formal training and observation to deliver tangible, targeted, and top-line solutions to all kinds of parenting and career opportunities.

As a commissioned officer in the esteemed Indian Army since 1983, Major General Balraj Mehta commanded a towering presence that resonated far beyond the confines of the military. Fearlessly leading an infantry company, infantry battalion and an infantry brigade  comprising of nearly 5000 men, his remarkable career served as a testament to his exceptional leadership abilities.

Major General Balraj Mehta’s passion extends far beyond the battlefield. It finds its roots in the art of sharing knowledge, igniting inspiration, and fostering growth. A  paratrooper with 25 jumps to his credit, he has defied gravity and soared to new heights, both figuratively and literally.

Transcending the uniform, Major General Balraj Mehta has embarked on a captivating journey of engaging audiences through his compelling writing and captivating public speaking engagements. His areas of expertise encompass the very essence of leadership, the intricacies of operational art, and the fascinating domain of the future of conflict.

Drawing from a wealth of experience and profound insights in these domains, Major General Balraj Mehta breathes life into the wider discourse on military leadership and the ever-evolving nature of warfare. His wisdom is a beacon that guides both seasoned commanders and aspiring leaders toward excellence, providing invaluable perspectives that shape the trajectory of military strategy and decision-making.

Beyond his accolades, Major General Balraj Mehta’s commitment to knowledge-sharing knows no bounds. He embraces his role as a mentor, empowering future military leaders with the tools they need to thrive in an ever-changing world. His dedication has earned him the utmost respect within the field, as he continues to shape the minds of those who will carry the torch of leadership forward.

Having transitioned from a distinguished military career to the civilian workforce, Major General Balraj Mehta understands the challenges that accompany such a profound change. He knows firsthand the transformative power of embarking on a new path, discovering a fresh purpose, and rebuilding one’s identity. In his journey, he has gained invaluable insights into the stages required to successfully relaunch a career, emphasizing the importance of resilience and adaptability.

Major General Balraj Mehta recognizes the fears that accompany such a transition—the fear of venturing into the unknown, the apprehension of others’ judgments, the doubts regarding the relevance of acquired skills, and the fear of leaving behind a legacy built through tireless dedication. These fears are not merely abstract concepts; they are real and deeply rooted. And through his own experiences, he empathizes with the process of overcoming them, standing as a beacon of inspiration for those who seek to triumph over their uncertainties.

Mission & Vision

A Better World is Possible


My mission is to empower individuals in their pursuit of meaningful and fulfilling careers. I am dedicated to helping my clients navigate career transitions, overcome fears and uncertainties, and discover the work they were truly meant to do. By leveraging my expertise in recruitment/HR, coaching, and personal experiences, I aim to provide guidance, support, and valuable insights that enable individuals to make successful career relaunches. I am committed to helping my clients gain clarity, build confidence, and embrace the courage needed to embark on new professional paths, ultimately leading them to find joy and fulfillment in their work.


My vision is to create a world where individuals are inspired and empowered to pursue careers that align with their passions, values, and talents. I envision a society where people no longer feel trapped in unfulfilling jobs but instead have the courage and support to make transformative career changes. I strive to be a catalyst for this change by providing guidance, knowledge, and encouragement to individuals seeking to relaunch their careers. I envision a future where individuals are deeply engaged in their work, leading to greater personal happiness, professional success, and overall well-being.


Joined Indian army

Commissioned officer in the Indian army since 18 Jun 1983. His unwavering loyalty to his Nation and dedication to the cause have been the cornerstones of his journey. With each passing year, his character has been honed, his skills sharpened, and his resolve fortified, all in service of a greater mission.

Republic Day Parade At Gandhi Maidan, Patna

Fortunate to have commanded the Bihar state level Republic Day parade at Gandhi Maidan, Patna. Here I can be seen accompanying His Excellency , The governor of Bihar Shre P. Venkatasubbaiah during his review of the parade on 26 January 1988.

Trained paratrooper

A paratrooper of unparalleled skill and precision, each jump is a testament to his unwavering courage and unwavering commitment to excellence. He has till date 25 exhilarating parachute jumps to his name.

Staff officer At Army Headquarter

I was fortunate to be a part of official DGMI delegation to America in 2002 to interact with US Armed Forces intelligence agencies.

Command of an Infantry Battalion

Took over command of the elite infantry battalion and after six months in a peace area , moved the unit to Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir. After a highly successful command tenure was nominated for Higher Air Command course in the College of Air Warfare, Secunderabad.

College of Air warfare Secunderabad

Attended Higher Air Command Course – 30 and awarded Air Chief Marshal L M Katre trophy for having stood first on the course.

Command of an infantry brigade in operational Area

Was selected to command a very sensitive brigade on the line of control. After two and half year exceptionally successful tenure was awarded the coveted Sena Medal for distinguished service in January 2013.

Commanded an operational Sub Area

Under his guidance, the fledgling and the youngest sub area got organized to accept operational responsibility. Excellent civil military relationsh were developed and aspects of Rear Area Security and administrative/logistic  aspects were comprehensively  taken  care of.  A testament to his exceptional leadership was an all out rebuilding and rehabilitation of the military establishments  which faced the fury of extremely severe cyclonic storm Phailin in October 2013.

General Officer Commanding

Was fortunate to have been selected to command Sub Area of Uttarakhand and 41 Sub Area for a year each as the pinnacle of 35 years long career!

Farewell by Chief of Army Staff of the Indian Army

Through countless challenges and triumphs, Major General Balraj Mehta commanded his troops with unwavering dedication, instilling in them a shared sense of purpose and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Finally on 31st of August 2018 superannuated on having attained the age of 58 years and was given a dignified farewell by the then Chief of The Army Staff General Bipin Rawat.