Personal Development Mentor, Parenting Coach, Career Counselor, Ethical Guide

Father’s Love Is Tough

I normally do not comment on political events out of habit being in Uniform for more than half of my life till now. But I feel like

Why Do We Do What We Do…?

I normally do not comment on political events out of habit being in Uniform for more than half of my life till now. But I feel like

Nuclear Family Effect on Child Development

An Old Wine in the New Bottle Aug 17, 2023 An Old Wine in the New Bottle What we are at present — at any stage of life and at any age at the present juncture— can not be changed. Time past is gone for good, whatever you experienced all through the bygone years is […]

An Old Wine in the New Bottle

An Old Wine in the New Bottle Aug 17, 2023 An Old Wine in the New Bottle What we are at present — at any stage of life and at any age at the present juncture— can not be changed. Time past is gone for good, whatever you experienced all through the bygone years is […]

Harms Of Helicopter Parenting

Harms Of Helicopter Parenting June 10 Harms Of Helicopter Parenting “Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.”— C.S. Lewis Helicopter parenting, characterized by excessive over protection and micromanagement of children, can have several harmful effects on both the children and their development. Here are some of the […]