Personal Development Mentor, Parenting Coach, Career Counselor, Ethical Guide



In the Indo Pak war of 1971 an Indian Navy ship INS Khukri (F149) a frigate was sunk by a torpedo fired from a Pakistani submarine on 9th Dec 1971.

This was the first ship to be sunk by a submarine since World War II and till date is the only post-Independence Indian Navy’s warship to have been lost in war.

There is a tradition in Navies all over the world that if a warship is sunk by enemy action in war, the Captain of the ship does not abondon ship and goes down with his charge.

Sinking of the ship was a big shock to the crew, the Navy and the whole country. Out of 194 personnel only 67 could survive, rest all were killed.

Capt (IN) Mahendra Nath Mulla did his level best to evacuate as many men as he could. He even handed over his own life jacket to a young officer and ordered him off the ship. He was seen to be going to bridge finally before the ship sank. Capt (IN) Mulla chose, in the heights tradition of the Navy, to go down with his ship.

Otherwise a brilliant officer, having attended the prestigious staff college course, having been Deputy Naval Advisor to the High Commissioner of India in the United Kingdom and having a bright career ahead, he did not make any effort to escape his watery grave.

He even did not think of his wife and two young daughters waiting for him at home!

This is where we say, as engraved upon a war memorial, “He gave his today for our tomorrow!”

Can any act of unselfishness get any bigger than this – knowingly, willingly and with all sense intact sacrificing your own life in the line of duty!

A grateful Nation will always bow its collective head to honour late Capt (IN) Mahendra Nath Mulla, Maha Vir Chakra who left behind a historic legacy to motivate generations of Indian Navy Officers and men!

Leaders like this are followed blindly by men! Even showing much lesser examples of unselfishness, like foregoing a reserved seat in service aircraft to a Jawan going for an important family function leave the desired impact.

If you want to be respected as a leader be unselfish to yourself and your own needs.

As the Indian Military Academy Chetwode Motto lays down:-

“The safety, honour and welfare of your country come first – always and every time.

The honour, welfare and comfort of the men you command come next.

Your own ease, comfort and safety come last, always and every time”.

Let’s be honest, leadership isn’t about having all the answers or taking all the credit. Sometimes, the most powerful leaders are the ones who prioritize their team’s needs over their own. This idea, often called “unselfishness,” might seem counterintuitive, but it’s a fundamental aspect of effective leadership.

Think about it. Have you ever worked for a leader more interested in their own glory than the team’s success? It’s not a motivating experience, is it? In contrast, a leader who genuinely cares about their team’s well-being and growth fosters a sense of loyalty and dedication that drives results.

So, how do you develop this essential leadership quality? Here are some strategies to embrace unselfishness and inspire your team:

A truly unselfish leader understands that their success is closely tied to the team’s success. Instead of hoarding credit for achievements, they empower team members and celebrate their contributions. This doesn’t mean downplaying their own role. As the leader, you provide guidance and direction. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the hard work and expertise of your team members who brought your vision to life. A simple “thank you” or public recognition can significantly boost morale and show your appreciation.

Unselfishness goes beyond acknowledging accomplishments. It’s about investing in your team’s growth and development. Offer opportunities for your team members to learn new skills, attend workshops, or take on challenging assignments that will stretch their abilities. By prioritizing their development, you’re not just helping them; you’re also building a stronger, more capable team. This investment in your team members shows that you care about their long-term success, not just their immediate contributions to the current project.

Unselfish leadership isn’t about micromanaging and controlling every aspect of the project. It’s about fostering a collaborative environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing ideas, taking risks, and learning from each other. Encourage open communication, break down silos between departments, and celebrate teamwork. When team members feel valued for their unique perspectives, they’re more likely to go the extra mile, not just for themselves, but for the team’s collective success.

Unselfishness isn’t just about what you say; it’s about how you act. Be the embodiment of the selfless leader you want your team to become. Are you always willing to roll up your sleeves and help out, even with seemingly menial tasks? Do you delegate effectively, trusting your team members to take ownership and make decisions? These subtle actions speak volumes and demonstrate your commitment to putting the team’s needs first.

It’s important to understand that unselfishness isn’t about self-sacrifice. It’s not about exhausting yourself to the point of burnout or neglecting your well-being. A leader who is constantly depleted can’t effectively support their team. Taking care of yourself – getting enough sleep, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and prioritizing your mental and physical health – is not selfish. It’s essential to be a leader who can show up fully for your team, day in and day out.

Leading with unselfishness isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s also a strategic move. A team that feels valued, empowered, and supported is more likely to be motivated, productive, and innovative. When team members trust their leader and each other, they’re more willing to collaborate effectively, take risks, and go the extra mile. This creates a positive and productive work environment where everyone thrives, leading to exceptional results for the organization as a whole.

Major General Balraj Mehta

For over 35 years I served in the esteemed Indian Army, starting with one star on the shoulder to two stars on the flag. Leading infantry forces and commanding thousands of soldiers honed my leadership skills and instilled in me a deep understanding of human nature. This experience allows me to connect with individuals on a profound level, offering practical solutions for navigating complex career and parenting challenges.

My passion extends beyond the uniform into advising clients for a happy family life, grooming teenagers & young adults and development assistance to professionals. I am a firm believer in the power of knowledge sharing and personal growth. As a paratrooper I embraced challenges head-on, defying limitations and soaring to new heights. Now, I translate that same spirit into my work as a Coach, Mentor, Writer Speaker and Influencer.

Since transitioning from the military, I have embarked on a captivating journey of engaging audiences with my insights on leadership, human relations, and the ever-evolving nature of parent child relationship. My goal is to contribute meaningfully to the discourse on empowering young adults and spreading awareness about need for compassionate parenting, offering valuable perspectives honed through first hand, personal and real-world experience.

I hold dear my commitment to knowledge sharing, teaching, guiding and mentoring the budding entrepreneurs, young professionals and parents of teenagers. By equipping future leaders with the tools they need to excel, I aim to empower them to navigate the complexities of the ever-changing world. It's incredibly rewarding to witness their growth and know that I am helping to shape the next generation of charismatic leaders.

In 1983 I embarked on a distinguished career in the Indian Army, having been commissioned as a Second Lieutenant. The unwavering loyalty and dedication I held for my Nation and my Service became the cornerstone of faith during my professional journey. Each year honed my character, sharpened my skills, and fortified my resolve in service of a greater mission which I took upon as my very own!

Olive Green blood runs in my veins!

My operational journey in infantry culminated in commanding an infantry brigade in a highly sensitive operational area. This exceptionally successful tenure earned me the coveted Sena Medal for distinguished service in 2013. Throughout my career, I endeavour to forge excellent civil-military relations and oversaw crucial operations, including the rebuilding of military establishments devastated by Cyclone Phailin in 2013.

After 35 years of dedicated service, my career peaked as the General Officer Commanding the Sub Area of Uttarakhand and later the 41 Sub Area. On 31 August 2018, I superannuated from the Indian army, receiving a dignified farewell by the then Chief of the Army Staff, General Bipin Rawat.
My experiences have equipped me to guide individuals through the journey called life, helping people overcome their uncertainties and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.

My mission is to empower individuals to live a meaningful life and pursue fulfilling careers. I leverage my expertise in handling human resources, teaching, coaching and personal experiences in leading large organisations to provide guidance and support to parents to deal with their parenting woes, especially with respect to teenagers. I am dedicated to helping parents to overcome anxieties, discover their children’s passions and guide them to successful career choices. My goal is to see them gain clarity, build confidence, and find joy in their life and work.

I am committed to guiding entrepreneurs and young professionals to acquire necessary skills, develop their latent leadership qualities, get over anxiety for performance and forge a stronger personal and professional standing. I consider enhancing their efficiency by reorganisation, reorientation and reaffirmation as my specialty.

I envision a world where parents are empowered to let their children get aligned with their passions, values and talents and feel supported and encouraged to make wise career choices. I strive to be a catalyst for this change, providing the guidance and knowledge necessary for parents to build strong children, for teenagers to grow into strong, stable and compassionate adults and young professionals to achieve greater personal and professional fulfilment.

- Maj Gen Balraj Mehta