Personal Development Mentor, Parenting Coach, Career Counselor, Ethical Guide

How to Prevent Sibling Rivalry

kids empathy

Modeling good behavior is crucial in teaching children how to treat others with kindness, respect, and empathy. As a parent, you are your child’s most significant role model. They observe and imitate your behavior, including how you interact with others.

Why I want to become a leadership and parenting coach?

Now this is an interesting question. I always had an inclination to teach since my school and college days. In fact I was doing bachelor of education course before I joined Indian military Academy in January 1982. After the army service I sat at home for nearly three years due ..


The most prominent Indian examples of Visionary Leadership to my mind are two. One concerns the 1971 War. It is well documented that the Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi wanted the attack on East Pakistan to be launched in the month of April 1971. She called the then Army Chief General (later Field Marshal) SHFJ Manekshaw …


The Army is very hierarchical organisation wherein the chain of command is the main link for executing the Army orders, policies and SOPs…


Tact serves as the social lubricant, allowing smooth navigation through tricky situations. It involves delivering messages with diplomacy and sensitivity, ensuring …


These is a very though not very well known story about the Indo – Pak War of 1971. The West Pakistan Army has some a lot of atrocities bordering genocide on the population of East Pakistan which were of totally different ethnicity.


Loyalty is a word often thrown around in conversations about leadership, but what does it truly mean? It’s not about blind obedience to superiors or unwavering support for the team regardless of circumstances.


When I rejoined my unit after completing the Young Officers Course, I fell into Unit routine in a peace station effortlessly. PT in the morning, followed by training/offic…