Personal Development Mentor, Parenting Coach, Career Counselor, Ethical Guide


The Army is very hierarchical organisation wherein the chain of command is the main link for executing the Army orders, policies and SOPs…


Tact serves as the social lubricant, allowing smooth navigation through tricky situations. It involves delivering messages with diplomacy and sensitivity, ensuring …


These is a very though not very well known story about the Indo – Pak War of 1971. The West Pakistan Army has some a lot of atrocities bordering genocide on the population of East Pakistan which were of totally different ethnicity.


Loyalty is a word often thrown around in conversations about leadership, but what does it truly mean? It’s not about blind obedience to superiors or unwavering support for the team regardless of circumstances.


When I rejoined my unit after completing the Young Officers Course, I fell into Unit routine in a peace station effortlessly. PT in the morning, followed by training/offic…


Land mines are very dangerous things and do not distinguish between friend and foe. You trip them or step on them, they don’t spare you. So in case of Line…


This is a quality which is the most important aspect of leadership and comes with an agile mind, sincerity of purpose and thorough knowledge of your …


Armed forces thrive upon integrity of its leaders and men down the line. This is mainly because it is about valour, honour and safety of your motherland — all esoteric and lofty ideas…


On this topic of initiative a very elaborate exercise I had to undertake bring up the leadership quotient of my team comes to my mind’s forefront. This occurred in an operational area when I had to go and takeover defences on Line of Control at the head of my battalion.


I can never forget the long nearly 100 km march our whole brigade undertook in 1991 from an area in West Bengal to South Sikkim. We were picked up in vehicles from our different unit locations….