Personal Development Mentor, Parenting Coach, Career Counselor, Ethical Guide

Are you an Asset to the Team?

Are you an Asset to the Team?

Let’s see the very first aspect of a good worker that is his own personality. When you want a sincere and dedicated worker you look for certain qualities in him that make him stand out as the best type of candidate. Those very same are the qualities that we need to imbibe in ourselves to be the sought after worker/ mid level leader and the go-to top man in due course.

  1. WELL GROOMED. This is the very basic habit of an intelligent, cultured and developed personality.

  2. PLEASANT MANNERS are a great attracting quality that wins over even our adversaries in due course of time.

  3. INTELLIGENT AND AWARE. Such a worker learns easily masters his job early and is able to evolve with time comfortably.

  4. HARDWORKING AND SINCERE. Without saying anything more – suffice to say that this is the bedrock of character.

  5. RESPONSIBLE AND DEPENDABLE. Any boss or employer will give his right arm for such a person to work for him.

  6. CHEERFUL AND CO-OPERATIVE. There is always a society around the work place, sometimes physical sometimes remote. A person who fits in easily and is able to work smoothly is an asset.

  7. NOT GARRULOUS TYPE. Again to spoil the environment of the work place over small disagreements is not welcome.

  8. PUNCTUAL. Such is the value placed on time that anyone who does not respect his responsibility and others’ time is not liked.

  9. HONEST. People are fed up of selfishness of workers and prefer honest people who are not swayed by greed or petty benefits.

  10. TEAM MAN. Ultimately any enterprise depends upon a group of people to deliver results in a cohesive performance. Necessarily people who keep up the interests of the organisation as their top priority emerge winners.

    Do you have all the above qualities? To know this is what you should do — carry out an honest self assessment!
Author : Maj Gen Balraj Mehta