How to Prevent Sibling Rivalry

Modeling good behavior is crucial in teaching children how to treat others with kindness, respect, and empathy. As a parent, you are your child’s most significant role model. They observe and imitate your behavior, including how you interact with others.
Why I want to become a leadership and parenting coach?

Now this is an interesting question. I always had an inclination to teach since my school and college days. In fact I was doing bachelor of education course before I joined Indian military Academy in January 1982. After the army service I sat at home for nearly three years due ..
The Magic You Are Hoping To See Is In The Work That You Are Avoiding

The other day I came across this lovely and very thought provoking statement somewhere on the social media, attributed to an anonymous person. It actually felt as if I was hit in gut!
This is so very apt and realistic – I will explain how!